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PRESS RELEASE - Funneling European Innovation and Research into International Standards 

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between STAND4EU &


PISA – Italy, 14 02 2023 – 2023 & STAND4EU announce their collaboration to foster standardisation as an integral part of the European research and innovation landscape.

The  project has two key axes - firstly, it will fund 400+ European standardisation experts in a series of 9 Open calls, providing 3M€ of funding. Secondly, it manages the European Observatory for ICT Standardisation (EUOS) , an interactive online ecosystem including an up-to-date standards repository and a nest for technical working groups sharing insights about ongoing standardisation efforts across different initiatives. 2023 focuses on horizontal and vertical ICT fields as defined in the Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation[1], one of the focuses is industry 4.0. Furthermore, with its ICT Standards Academy, STANDICT contributes to training next-generation ICT standardisation experts. 

The Stand4EU project, as the project’s full name suggests, aims to Boost the “Exploitation of Standardisation Inputs from European Projects”, strengthening  the links between research, innovation and standardisation. Solutions will be developed and implemented to overcome the obstacles hampering the standardisation efforts and to make the standards development process more efficient. The analysis of such requirements will focus in four technological domains: Welding, Additive Manufacturing, Smart Manufacturing, and Circular Economy. A key result of Stand4EU will be the creation of an interface to facilitate the collection and the sharing of information about the obstacles, associated remedies and best practices of standardisation.

The MoU can consolidate even further these commitments on both sides.

“I am delighted to announce this collaboration between two European coordination actions that contribute to reinforcing the lab-to-market process with international standards. Furthermore, this synergy will open new opportunities for our European professionals and researchers to be better informed and trained about getting engaged in international standardisation work”, considers Mona Marill, Project Manager from AUSTRALO, in the StandICT project. 


“The potential synergies between the two projects are of great valuable for the common goal: to improve standardisation as a whole in Europe. We are excited to explore the collaboration with StandICT and improve the dissemination of such good initiatives, specially by complementating resources in the areas of Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0”, states Ana Cardoso, project manager of Stand4EU, from EWF.


As both projects are invested in strengthening European participation in the International Standardisation Organizations (SDOs), their collaboration in the EU standardisation scene is welcomed. Furthermore, both initiatives urge the need to develop standards that rise from European research and innovation, which will continue boosting the interoperability of the technological systems and their market uptake. The collaboration will cover notably cross-dissemination to reach the stakeholders, such as the workshop on Future Standardisation Education held on the 18th of January, 2023, where the Stand4EU coordinator Eurico Assunção from EWF was one of the keynote speakers. Also, the StandICT Open Calls can be beneficial for Stand4EU stakeholders. Vice-versa, the Stand4EU experts will bring value notably to the landscape and gap analysis work at the EUOS. Foremorest, our aim is that thanks to this collaboration, on both sides, the European experts can boost their standardisation work. 

StandICT & Stand4EU Start Collaboration



For more information & contact of 2023 runs from the 1st of September 2020 for a period of 36 months. The Consortium of Partners includes Trust-IT SRL (Coordinator), Dublin City University and Australo Interinnov Marketing Lab SL.

The 2023 project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation programme - under the grant agreement no. 951972.


Twitter: @Stand_ICT

LinkedIn: /company/standict-eu/

For more information & contact of Stand4EU

Stand4EU runs from 1st September 2022 for a period of 24 months. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101070229.







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