The release of the Standardisation strategy issued in February 2022, and the creation of the High-Level Forum on European Standardisation has put a major priority focus on activities and achievements in Standardisation.
Therefore, to kick start 2023, 2023 in collaboration with the European Commission, will organise an intensive 3 hour Workshop covering the principal results and impacts that 2023 has achieved with a view to demonstrate how the consolidated standardisation community has drawn some practical examples with the outcomes from the Technical Working Groups.
The event will be opened by the European Commission, and the content will demonstrate the synergies and collaborations with the PPPs and other associations, the success stories of our funded fellows, and the impact from some applications within a societal, economic and technological context. A dedicated track will be addressed on Training, Educational and Standardisation efforts and new calls dedicated to this with an eye also on new funded projects operating in Standardisation.
- 14:00 - 14:15 Session 1 Defining standardisation needs, priorities and contributions provided at the European level
The European Green Deal & the New Industrial Strategy for Europe as well as the geopolitical environment call for a strong EU presence in international standardisation development. Building up a strong and sustainable pool of European standardisation competent professionals who are ready to engage In European and International Standardisation is crucial. The European Commission will provide an overview of their priority 2023 standardisation activities to support this.
- Helen Köpman - Deputy Head of Unit Digital Innovation & Blockchain at European Commission DG CNECT
- Silvana Muscella, CEO, Trust-IT ( Coordinator)
- 14:15 - 15:00 Session 2: A snapshot of some key European Standardisation activities and their main achievements
The European Commission together with the European Standardisation Organisations have worked hard to identify solutions on how standardisation can allow stakeholders at all levels to develop a shared understanding and increased standardisation knowledge at large that can cover respectively technological, innovation-supportive and societal aspects that include the potential of standards to safeguard EU core values. This session provides a snapshot of some of the key opportunities and activities organisations are working on to see and appreciate the benefits of standardisation to make Europe’s voice heard in international standardisation.
- Eurico G. Assunção, Deputy Director, EWF (STAND4EU)
- David Boswarthick, Director of New Technologies, ETSI
- Livia Mian, Innovation Project Manager, CEN-CENELEC
- Ray Walshe, Asst. Professor, Dublin City University ( EUOS Director)
Moderator Nicholas Ferguson, Senior Project Manager, COMMpla ( Coordinator)
- 15:05 - 15:50 Session 3: Interactive discussion on how technologies are impacted by Standardisation - A voice to the experts
Back in 2017, the pilot CSA H2020 project was funded and with the continued support from the PO officers involved at the EC DG CONNECT, the project was able to provide, as its mandate requested, more visibility to European Standardisation competent professionals eager to engage in European and International Standardisation. Fast forward six years and this interactive session to showcase some of the achievements the project has developed thanks to its funded fellows that have been supported and the work around defining multiple landscape and gap analysis reports targeted around specific, important technologies supporting the EU Green Deal and the Industrial Strategy for Europe.
- Jeroen Broekhuijsen, Team Lead Digital Factories, TNO (Digital Twins)
- Fiona Delaney, CEO & Founder, Origin Chain Networks (Blockchain & DLT)
- Muslim Elkotob, Principals Solutions Architect, Vodafone (5G)
- Jens Gayko, Managing Director, Standardisation Council Industrie 4.0 (Digital Product Passport)
- Nikita Lukianets, Founder, Open Ethics (Artificial Intelligence)
- Luis Moràn Abad, Independent Senior ICT Advisor (Fintech and Regtech)
- Christine Perey, Independent Analyst and Spime Wrangler, PEREY Research & Consulting (Spatial Computing and Geospatial Standards)
- Suno Wood, Chair eHealth, ETSI (eHealth)
Moderator Silvana Muscella, CEO, Trust-IT ( Coordinator)
15:50 - 16:00 Leg Stretch & Coffee Break
16:00 - 16:45 Session 4: Panel Discussion on attracting tomorrow's professionals to contribute to Standardisation
To position Europe as a global standard-setter, Europe needs to have a robust and sustainable pool of European professionals ready to contribute in European and international standardisation. Joint efforts between teachers of EU universities /Higher Education Institutions who already integrate standardisation-related content in their lectures with a coordinated cooperation with industry to help design an innovative teaching concept of standardisation are needed. This panel discussion considers this approach and discusses what is happening already in Europe and provides some recommendations for future priorities.
- Antonio Conte, ICT Standardisation Policy Officer, European Commission DG GROW
- Knut Blind, Professor for Innovation Economics at TU Berlin , Fraunhofer ISI and Chair of CEN-CENELEC Working Group STAIR (Standards, Innovation & Research)
- Ivana Mijatovic, Full Professor, University of Belgrade and Training Academy
- Brian McAuliffe, Director of Technology Standards, HP and Chair of EUOS Standards Academy
- Michelle Wetterwald, Senior mobile networks expert, Netellany and ETSI Specialist Task Force on Design and Development of Teaching Materials for Education on ICT Standardisation
Moderator Ray Walshe, Asst. Professor, Dublin City University ( EUOS Director)
16:45 - 16:55 Open Discussion
16:55 - 17:00 Main Take Aways and Wrap-up
Based on the stimulating exchanges, the workshop will provide imminent recommendations to the First High-Level Forum on European Standardisation meeting scheduled for 20 January 2023.
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- Time 14:00:00 - 17:00:00