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Brussels, 09 March 2021 – 2023 announces the launch of the EUOS – European Observatory for ICT Standardisation. The new interactive platform is the evolved version of the Standards Watch[1] but much more. The EUOS, pronounced “YOS”, will monitor the global ICT Standardisation landscape, with its ultimate goal to provide to the community of ICT experts the most accurate coverage of relevant and timely ICT Standards, priorities and needs that might affect the key ICT domains of the Digital Single Market and the EU ICT Rolling Plan for Standardisation[2]. The EUOS goes one step further to provide an interactive platform, considered the Go-To place for all thing related to ICT Standards all in the one place, with a rewards scheme embedded.
We are proud of releasing today, as part of the initiative, the EUOS - 'European ICT Standards Observatory'” – said Silvana Muscella, 2023 Project Coordinator & CEO at Trust-IT Services - “Our goal is to avail the European community of ICT standard experts and users with an independent, authoritative, and engaging platform. The EUOS aims, with the competent support of the community, to become the recognised place of publishable good practices for ICT standards which endorses also open standards and open data.
The EUOS distinguishes itself with two distinct entry points
- Discussion Groups - A collaborative, networking space to provide users to join the conversation with other ICT members by starting new discussions on relevant ICT topics, creating Technical Working Groups (TWG), creating and editing documents, setting up live chats, video calls or sharing calendar of events or simply valuable insights around the ICT Standardisation arena.
- Standards Repository - A library of the most relevant Standards covering the pivotal ICT fields, continuously updated and integrated with user-friendly search functionality to allow a smooth browsing.
The Technical Working Groups (TWGs), feature thought leadership personalities in critical ICT sectors, with the ambitious goal to drive forward and elaborate tailored Landscape and Gap Analyses on a given subject area. The final report may be presented as part of any active discussion of the European Multi Stakeholder Platform on ICT Standardisation[3] and brought to the attention of every Standard Developing Organisation (SDO) that is currently dealing with the specific subject or theme.
The EU Observatory for ICT Standards (EUOS) through its network of Technology Working Groups in Blockchain, AI, Data Spaces, Cybersecurity, Data Interoperability, Trusted Information and Smart Cities is providing Global Leadership in Standardization Policy and Strategy. Truly, an exceptional, global collaboration of senior experts in ICT Standards across multiple standards development organisations from Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, and Australia.
Ray Walshe, 2023 EAG Chair & Standards Leader at Dublin City University, partner in 2023.
EUOS is a channel, not only for standardisation experts but also for EU Innovation & Research projects who can share their achievements. With the EUOS these communities may find information on relevant standards but also get connected with other stakeholders working on the same topic to reinforce collaborations.
Mona Marill, Project Manager at AUSTRALO Marketing Lab, one of the partners.
These TWGs will deliver a specific deliverable in the related technology domain, under the form of a Report, a Response to an EC Strategy/Policy, a Technical specification, a White Paper or a Foresight Report. Each TWG will have an Executive Committee of around 6 core members, and every group will be then overseen by a Chair and co-chair to provide clear guidance and leadership.
Seven TWGs have already been identified with shortlisted members ready to start working upon the EUOS release, following a 6 week-lasting “sprint” and to be then replaced by new ones tackling different ICT areas. Eighty experts have already signed up to support the following TWGs topics, more TWGs will be formed in the coming months:
- Blockchain Chair - Mr. Ismael Arribas (INATBA)
- Artificial Intelligence Chair - Mr. Lindsay Frost (ETSI Board and NEC Senior Scientist)
- Big Data Spaces Chair - Mr. Stefan Gessler (Project Manager at NEC), Co-Chair Dimosthenis Kyriazis (Associate Professor at University of Piraeus)
- Data Interoperability Chair - Mr. Tom De Block (Chairman of the AIOTI WG on DLT), Co-Chair Mr. Jochen Friedrich (IBM Executive, Open Forum Europe)
- Cybersecurity Chair - Mr. Matthias Pocs (Founder of Stelar – Security Technology Law Research)
- Smart Cities Chair - Mr. Joel Meyers (Smart Cities track of the IEEE World Forum)
- Trusted Information Chair - Mr. Sebastian Hallensleben (Head of Digitalisation and AI at VDE)
As well as the TWGs, we launch today the Academy of Standardization Expert Group (EG) to collect and create Education ABOUT Standards and Education ON Standards related material to augment existing already the ISO Academy and ETSI/ CENCENELEC Training Material.
Our Expert Advisory Group member Brian McAuliffe (JTC1 Liaison to EC) has agreed to Chair the group and invitations are being sent to experts to identify the Executive Committee (XCOM) Members.
“We welcome at the European Commission this development of a common area of work on pooling ICT Standardisation efforts to continue the much-needed work on identifying common standards, setting quality standards at a European level, where relevant gap(s) or landscape analysis can be a good starting point to advise on the prioritisation of standards. We look forward to the EUOS that has developed in providing this ICT standards playground for mutual discussions and relevant work”.
Thomas Reibe, European Commission Senior Expert at DG CONNECT and Project Officer of H2020 CSA 2023.
We are grateful to the following who are actively contributing to the current EUOS TWGs:
- European Commission DG CONNECT (Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology) DG GROW (Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs),
- European Commission Multi-Stakeholder Platform MSP, European Commission Joint Research Centre - JRC.
- ETSI, ASI-Austrian Standards International, NSAI - National Standards Authority of Ireland, VDE, OMG (TWG AI),
- NEC LABS Europe, Google & ITI - Instituto Tecnológico de Informática (TWG Big Data Spaces),
- AIOTI, Open Forum Europe, IBM, ETSI, TNO, (TWG Data Interoperability),
- ISO/IEC, ENISA, CEN/CENELEC (TWG Cybersecurity),
- IEEE, ETSI, OASC, FIWARE (TWG Smart Cities),
- VDE, HLRS, Jolocom, OECD (TWG Trusted Information).
Find out more about the EUOS here & find a TWG you may be interested or contact us on to see how you can get involved
[1] Funded under H2020 European Commission programme as a Coordination and Support Action CSA [2018-2020]