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PISA – Italy, 29.08. 2022 - 2023 & MEDINA kick-off their collaboration with an MoU to reinforce European standardisation efforts in the cloud security certification field

StandICT.Eu 2023 is a European initiative supporting the EU engagement in international ICT standardisation. It has two key axes; firstly, it funds European fellowships in ICT standardisation through a series of Open calls providing a total of almost 3M€ of funding. Secondly, it operates the European Observatory for ICT Standardisation (EUOS) that is an interactive online ecosystem including an up-to-date standards repository as well as working groups sharing insights about ongoing standardisation efforts across different initiatives and domains. 2023 focuses on horizontal and vertical ICT fields as defined in the Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation.

MEDINA is an EU funded-research project that aims to provide a holistic framework that enhances cloud customers’ control and trust in consumed cloud services, by supporting Cloud Service Providers (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS providers) towards the successful achievement of a continuous certification aligned to the EU Cybersecurity Act (EU CSA). The proposed framework will comprise tools, techniques, and processes supporting the continuous auditing and certification of cloud services where security and accountability are measurable by design. As the MEDINA framework is leveraged into a cloud supply chain, it continuously supports the assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of security measures to ultimately achieve and maintain a certification.

“The collaboration with the project will represent a great opportunity to enhance the impact of both projects on the standardization field, and to benefit from each other’s achievements. The ICT Standards repository and the HSbooster project that shares synergies with will further complement the standardisation activities in MEDINA, and will allow us to explore possible cooperation with other cybersecurity projects with which has relationships”

Cristina Martínez, Project Manager of MEDINA

“We are looking forward to cooperating together to enrich our projects’ results and provide benefits to our respective extensive networks of stakeholder communities. The framework MEDINA is developing matches perfectly ultimate goal which is to facilitate and support standardisation activities and the digital transformation of European companies''

Francesco Osimanti, Vice- Coordinator of 2023

The two projects will collaborate hand in hand to provide mutual visibility to all the outreach activities that will be organised around efforts on the Cloud Cybersecurity and Cloud Certification as well as contributions to ICT Standards, including use cases and success stories. 

The projects will also cooperate on activities connected to the 2023’s “EUOS – European Observatory for ICT Standardisation”, including the population of the ICT Standards Repository and providing mutual support in creating synergies with other projects and initiatives active in the ICT standardisation domain.



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