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PISA – Italy, 18 04 2023 - & ASCAPE announces the introduction Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between ASCAPE & supports the participation of European experts in international ICT standardisation. To reach this goal, it has three main axes: firstly, it will fund 400+ European standardisation experts in a series of 9 Open calls providing a total of almost 3M€ of funding. Secondly, it manages the European Observatory for ICT Standardisation (EUOS), which is an interactive online ecosystem including an up-to-date standards repository as well as working groups sharing insights about ongoing standardization efforts across different initiatives. Thirdly, via its Academy, it trains future experts in ICT standardisation. focuses on horizontal and vertical ICT fields as defined in the Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation[1].

ASCAPE’ main objective is to take advantage of the recent advances in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to support cancer patients’ quality of life and health status. Regarding standardization, ASCAPE's goal is twofold: on the one hand to adopt and monitor already established standards in health care, and on the other hand to help improve existing standards if possible.

Contribution to standardisation eHealth, essentially, the use of medical data and AI in healthcare, are the focus areas of both projects. And this MoU can consolidate their commitment even further. has an ever-growing community of standardisation experts related to eHealth and healthcare data. Whereas ASCAPE’s team is working to contribute to international standardisation Work Groups dealing with interoperability and secure management of healthcare data. I am thrilled to link our two projects because I am convinced that the community could open new doors for the ASCAPE’s standardisation efforts”, reflects Mona Marill, Project Manager at Programme.

ASCAPE actively sought partnerships with other entities to enhance existing efforts and shape the future of cancer patient support. Part of this effort is related to the standardization effort by sharing forces with other research projects. This is extremely relevant to our participation in the community which will allow us to share our knowledge and hopefully help us to contribute to best practices regarding medical data and the use of AI in healthcare!”, quotes John Avramidis, Communication Specialist at ASCAPE EU-funded Project. invites ASCAPE to contribute to the EUOS, especially to share use cases and lessons learned in relation to data analysis, secure data management and interoperability. Also, the Open Calls are an opportunity for the ASCAPE team to pursue their standardisation efforts beyond the project’s objectives.

------------------------ 2026

Consortium: Dublin City University (IE) - Financial and Administrative Coordinator, Trust-IT Srl (IT) - Technical Coordinator, OpenForum Europe (BE), AUSTRALO (ES), European Digital SME Alliance (BE), and Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI (DE).

For more information on 2026, contact us at and follow us on our social media channels: Twitter | Linkedin | YouTube 2026 has received funding from the EU’s Horizon Europe Programme under Grant Agreement no. 101091933.




  •  UBITECH (coordinator)
  • ATOS Spain SA
  • Siemens SRL
  • Netcompany-Intrasoft SA
  • University of Patras
  • Sphynx Technology Solutions AG
  • University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences
  • DFKI (Deutsches Forschungszentrum fur Kunstliche Intelligenz) GMBH
  •  Care Across LTD
  •  National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Fundacio Clinic per a la Recerca Biomedica
  •  Orebro Lans Landsting
  • Arthur’s Legal BV
  • Fundación ISYS Internet Salud y Sociedad

Social Media

Twitter | LinkedIn | Facebook | Youtube

ASCAPE is an EC H2020 Research and Innovation Action (ID: 875351).

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