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The fourth in the series of reports showing the tangible output of applicants who received funding under the 2023 open calls, or the ‘fellows’, “Following the Fellows” has just been published. This edition pinpoints the evidence-based outcomes resulting from work carried out by ICT Standards experts using funding obtained under the project’s fourth open call, offering them the opportunity to speak about their work and contributions to standards efforts. 2023 aims to support and facilitate specialists across a broad spectrum of ICT standardisation fields. These include trending areas as Cybersecurity (and correlated sub-domains as privacy or accessibility), 5G, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain which proved to be the most tackled by the 2023 fellows. It is noteworthy to point out how fundings have been allocated for the first time to carry out research in new technological fields, FinTech and RegTech and Intelligent Transport System 

The report presents key facts and figures showing how the results obtained intercalate European ICT standardisation priorities and gaps, and how the tangible impact achieved contributes to societal and industrial challenges. The publication also shows the reader what is needed for ICT standardisation to work in practice. The fellowship outcomes are also narrated around the four main technological areas outlined in the ICT Rolling Plan for Standardisation.

Download The 4th Open Call Impact Report Now



Here are some examples of the fourth call’s perspectives and contributions shared by the fellows:

“This work will enhance the capability of ETSI standards to improve European citizens’ safety and prevent injuries and fatalities on roads (ETSI TC ITS) and during emergency situations (ETSI TC EMTEL). Vulnerable Road Users or VRUs (pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, large animals) account for a large percentage of road fatalities. I led the team that prepared a standard (ETSI TS 103 300) for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) VRU awareness”

Michelle Wetterwald, 2023 4th Open Call Fellow

 "The digital video technology and the availability of large number of digital devices on the market, have been characterised by a high need of innovation into encoding standardisation. If we consider the applications and products that may take advantage of the technological advancement introduced by my activity, impacts will likely be observed in multiple areas, including innovative services, better consumer engagement and experience".

 Alessandro Artusi, 2023  4th Open Call Fellow

The “Following the Fellows” series makes perfect reading for the 2023 community, the European Commission, National Standards Bodies (NSBs),  Private-Public Partnerships (PPPs), the Multi-Stakeholder Platform, SDOs and other interested parties who would like to gain more insight into ICT standardisation within a European context. 

The project’s overall mission is to ensure European-wide active participation within the global ICT standardisation landscape and the contributions it may make to support the efforts of the Multi-Stakeholder Platform for ICT Standardisation. 

For further information, or if you work on ICT Standards and would like to receive financial support to aid your work, please reach out to us at and we’ll be happy to provide information on the next available open calls.

You can read more here

Download The 4th Open Call Impact Report Now




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