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One of the key assets of the 2023 project is represented by the EU Observatory for ICT Standards, so called EUOS.

Launched in March 2021, the EUOS has three-fold objectives:

  • Provide a continuously updated ICT Standards Repository.
  • Manage and Support the Technical Working Groups (TWGs).
  • Elaborate Policy and Strategy recommendations.

In particular, thanks to the work of the TWGs, several insightful reports providing a “Landscape and Gap Analysis of Standards” in different areas are being released. These reports represent the final outcomes of each TWG and constitute an additional asset produced and delivered by the Project consortium as a result of the TWGs activities.

To date, over 10 TWGs are active and working to provide their own overview of the correlated  ICT domain. Three TWGs have already released their report, specifically those on Artificial Intelligence, Smart Cities and Trusted Information. These are valuable starting points for the identification of Standardisation gaps and priorities and are drawn up by Standardisation experts involved in SDOs, Working Groups and Technical Committees. The fourth report developed by the Digital Twin TWG is about to be published soon.

The list below provides a view of the active and ongoing TWGs:

The most recently established TWGs are the ones on Ontologies, in synergy with the EU-funded project  Ontocommons  and the one on Robotics.

A few more TWGs are going to be set-up soon, including a TWG on Data-driven Policy making.

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