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Small Business Standards - SBS is looking for candidates with technical expertise on any standardisation topic relevant for SMEs, who have an SME or craft-oriented background. The selected experts will represent the European SME position in standardisation Technical Committees, Sub-Committees and Working Groups in CEN, CENELEC, ETSI, ISO, IEC and ITU.

Applicants may propose any TCs/SCs/WGs to which they wish to be appointed. The applicant’s choice must be well justified from an SME perspective (it is the applicant’s responsibility to substantiate the SME relevance in the application form). The applicant must also indicate at least one WG in which s/he wishes to participate.

Want to know more? SBS will organise a webinar on the 2nd of September 2021 to present the call for experts. This will allow interested candidates to ask questions about the call and the role of SBS experts. and eligibility criteria.
Take a look here for more info Open Call text, application form and priority topics!

Please note that in order to proceed with the application, you need to sign in with your existing credentials or you will need to register to the website. If you have already signed up to the website, please login with your credentials and come back to this page.