Overview of DLT standardisation activities .

The ITU has largely contributed to the field of Distributed Ledger Technology and Blockchain, ranging financial inclusion to data management. Several working groups have already provided prominent contributions to DLT standards. Some examples are SG2: Operational aspects, SG17: Security, and SG13: Networks and cloud, which have established focus groups on FG-DPM, FG-AI4EE, or FG-DLT.

The kind of outputs provided by ITU to the DLT include, but are not limited to:

  • Management models, functionalities and interfaces for DLT
  • Applicability of DLT in addressing international accounting, policy, regulatory and economic issues in the telecommunications/ICT domain
  • Environmentally efficient solutions for DLT implementation and developing Recommendations on the sustainable use of DLTs
  • Identification of standardisation gaps on the environmental performance of DLT and how to address their environmental efficiency
  • DLT signalling and protocol architectures, data models and testing requirements
  • Frameworks and functional requirements of DLT use cases in future networks, cloud computing and trusted network infrastructures
  • Guidelines on security aspects of DLTs and specification of security requirements for various DLT use cases

For more information, refer to the ITU study groups working programmes.