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OASIS Open, the international open source and open standards consortium, is pleased to announce the launch of the OASIS Open Europe Foundation. The foundation provides a strong and dedicated European focus in setting standards for open collaboration, and allows OASIS to provide long-term sustainability for European Union research projects.

“The OASIS Open Europe Foundation gives us a unique opportunity to work with the European Union and EU Member States to advance open source and standards projects,” said Dr. Martin Chapman of Oracle, who chairs the OASIS Open Europe Foundation. “We will leverage the global experience of OASIS Open to provide a regional focus for the OASIS community and engage in European-specific activities that promote the use of open technologies.”

The OASIS Open Europe Foundation’s Board of Directors will include:

  • Laetitia Cailleteau of Accenture (France)
  • Martin Chapman of Oracle (Ireland)
  • Eva Coscia of R2M Solution (Italy)
  • Gershon Janssen, Independent Consultant (Netherlands)
  • Janna Lingenfelder of IBM (Germany)
  • Guy Martin of OASIS Open (United States)
  • Andriana Prentza of the University of Piraeus (Greece)

About OASIS Open

One of the most respected, member-driven standards bodies in the world, OASIS offers projects—including open source projects—a path to standardisation and de jure approval for reference in international policy and procurement. OASIS members include major multinational companies, SMEs, government agencies, universities, research institutions, consulting groups, and individuals.

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