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Date: 15/11 /2022


 Joint Communication 2023 & LifeChamps


Standards in eHealth Empowering Health Data and Care of Cancer Patients

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between LifeChamps & 2023 2023 has two key axes - firstly, it offers operational grants to 400+ European ICT standardisation experts in a series of 10 Open calls providing a total of 3M€ of funding. Secondly, it operates the European Observatory for ICT Standardisation (EUOS) that is an interactive online ecosystem including an up-to-date standards repository as well as working groups sharing insights about ongoing standardization efforts across different initiatives. The EUOS publishes standardization landscape reports offering a bird-eye view on the standards in specific ICT sectors (namely, IoT, Smart Cities, Digital Twins, Trusted Information and AI). 2023 focuses on horizontal and vertical ICT fields as defined in the Rolling Plan for ICT Standardisation[1], one of the focuses is the eHealth sector.

The LifeChamps H2020 project is working towards shifting the discrimination barrier for older cancer patients & survivors through the integration of different clinical and digital tools such as PROMs, PREMs, symptomatic and geriatric measures, mHealth and wearables, machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms for Big Data. Lifechamps aims to determine accurately which factors affect the older oncological patients’ Quality of Life the most after their treatment and act in the monitoring of health status, contributing to the following three main pillars: Prediction, Care, and Advice. In the LifeChamps project, participation and conformance to standards is a fundamental key to guarantee the potential universal adoption of the developed technologies into the market and to ensure interoperability among the stakeholders. Moreover, as the LifeChamps solution is partially co-designed with the end-users and it is validated in four pilot sites, exploiting multi-national pilot use case scenarios, the standardization activities of the project pay much attention to the standardization of patients’ involvement in research & innovation activities and the recognition of their contribution.

The MoU can consolidate even further this commitment.

“I am delighted to have the LifeChamps project joining our Community where our goal is to reinforce the participation of the eHealth sector. Lifechamps’ contribution in standardization related to the use of health data will be a valuable add for our experts as this project involves in their research the targeted end users (ie., patients) listening their needs and requirements.", says Francesco Osimanti, the vice-coordinator of StandICT.eu2023.

“Upon dealing with new technologies, conforming with standards is an important and key process for widening interoperability as well as the impact of enabling technologies. In innovative topics and approaches like the ones we have in the Lifechamps projects, participating in the standardisation process to create norms of best practice is of paramount importance. It is therefore our delightment to be engaged in the process and handshake with StandICT activities as this MoU emphasises”, highlights, Prof. Panos Bamidis, the Lifechamps Project co-ordinator.

This collaboration aims at fostering the contribution of the European experts in the global eHealth standardisation. StandICT.eu2023 funds several fellowships (more information on Fellow Reports) contributing to the digital transformation of the healthcare sector, and this engagement is showcase notably via the EUOS Work Group in eHealth. LifeChamps will be invited to leverage their standardisation outcomes in the StandICT.eu2023 community especially via, the EUOS,  targeted publications and webinars.


For more information & contact of 2023 runs from the 1st of September 2020 for a period of 36 months. The Consortium of Partners includes Trust-IT SRL (Coordinator), Dublin City University and Australo Interinnov Marketing Lab SL.

The 2023 project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 - Research and Innovation programme - under the grant agreement no. 951972.


Twitter: @Stand_ICT

LinkedIn: /company/standict-eu/

For more information & contact of LifeChamps


Twitter: @LifeChampsH2020

LinkedIn: /lifechamps-h2020/

Facebook: @lifechampsH2020




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