Level of expertise:
Knut Blind
Date of publishing:
27 May 2024

On 27 May 2024, StandICT.eu will host a Webinar, in coordination with IEC, to get an insight into India's standardisation strategies and activities in general, followed by a closer look at its activities in electrotechnology and ICT. Based on this background, we first discuss the opportunities and challenges India, and its actors face in international standardisation. Then, we focus on elaborating the implications for the EU before we try to identify opportunities for collaboration and joining forces for reciprocal benefits and address global challenges.


China is already a well-established and strong actor in international standardisation, particularly in ICT, while India is at an earlier stage. However, India's activities in science and technology, again mainly focused on ICT, are significantly rising, measured by the number of scientific publications and patent applications. Knowing this, it is imperative to better understand the advancements being made in India to not only enhance knowledge on the activities happening in country itself, but to capitalise on opportunities for synergy and collaboration, while developing a stronger idea of what is being done in Asia regarding ICT standardisation.



 - Intro into standardisation and geopolitcs with a focus on technological sovereignty, 
Knut Blind (Fraunhofer ISI & TU Berlin)

- Indian's Standardization Strategies and Activities in a Global Context (TBC), Anupam Kaul

- Opportunities and Challenges for the Cooperation of EU and India in Standardisation (TBC), Dinesh Chand Sharma (Seconded European Standardisation Expert in India) Director – Standardisation & Public Policy

- India's strategies and activities in electrotechnical standardisation, Mr. Anupam Agarwal, ICT expert, Member IEC Governance Review and Audit Committee, Tata Consultancy Services.  

- Q&A

- Discussion



To be confirmed (IEC)

The author of this content

Nathaniel Cueter

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