StandICT.eu 2023 “ICT Standardisation Observatory and Support Facility in Europe” will build on the success and momentum of the precursor 2018-20 StandICT.eu initiative to advance and create a truly consolidated European Standardisation Ecosystem.
At the heart of this objective is the StandICT.eu Fellowship Programme, which through a series of 10 Open Calls, will provide 3 million Euro through a cascade grant process to support and incentivise participation of European standardisation specialists in key international and global SDOs and consortia.
The topics for the StandICT.eu 2023 calls are defined through continuous monitoring and careful analysis of the international ICT standards landscape through liaison with Standards Development Organisations (SDOs) and Standard Setting Organisations (SSOs), key organisations such as the EU Multistakeholder Platform for ICT Standardisation, and its prestigious EAG- Expert Advisory Group and EUOS Foresight Committee, as well as industry-led groups, to pinpoint gaps and priorities matching EU DSM objectives.
Find out more about the Open Calls below and join us to really make Europe’s voice heard in the Global Standards Scenario.
- 5th Open Call Topic Priorities
We have chosen to focus our ten calls around macro-areas of the key strategic orientations of the Strategic Plan in the Horizon Europe framework Programme and have chosen, extremely relevant for 2020 “Climate, Energy and Mobility” . Applications are to be considered equally valid and scored accordingly if they address any of the topics mentioned below taken from the Rolling Plan of the Multi-Stakeholder Platform for ICT Standardisation.
Other topics where applicants may apply to are listed here and we welcome your applications from the following areas:
- Accessibility of ICT products and services
- Advanced manufacturing
- Agri-food
- Artificial Intelligence
- Big Data
- Blockchain and Distributed Digital Ledger Technologies
- Building Trust
- Broadband infrastructure mapping
- B2B Platform economy (for digital manufacturing industry)
- Circular Economy
- Citizen centric digital public services
- Clean Planet
- Cloud computing
- Cloud Federation
- Cobots
- Construction - building information modelling
- Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) for the EU maritime domain
- Cross Domain Technologies
- Cultural Heritage
- Cybersecurity / network and information security
- Data Governance
- Data Interoperability
- Digital Twins
- eCall
- Edge Computing
- Electronic identification and trust services including e-signatures
- eGovernment
- eHealth, healthy living and ageing
- e-Invoicing
- e-Infrastructures for research data and computing intensive science
- Electromobility
- EMC Radiation
- European Global Navigation Satellite System (EGNSS)
- Emergency communications
- e-Procurement – pre- and post award
- European Electronic Toll Service (EETS)
- Fintech and Regtech Standardisation
- Global Standard Governance
- ICT Environmental impact
- Identity Management and Anonymisation
- Industry 4.0
- Intelligent Transport Systems - Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (ITS-CCAM) and Internet of Things (IoT)
- Justice
- Language Technologies
- Learning and Education
- Machine Learning
- Management of identities for smart organizations
- Media
- Ontologies
- Open Data Standards
- Open Source
- Preservation of digital cinema
- Privacy
- Privacy protection
- Public sector information, open data and big data
- Quantum Technology
- Quantum Computing
- Quantum Key Distribution
- Robotics and autonomous systems
- Semantic Interoperability
- Single European Sky
- Smart grids and smart metering
- Smart City Covid+
- Smart cities and communities/ technologies and services for smart and efficient energy use
- Trusted Information
- Water Management Digitalisation
- 3D Printing
- 5G
Open Call for Applications - Process and Timing
StandICT.eu will run 10 Open Call cycles. Each call will be open for 60 days to be followed by a 30-day evaluation period.
- 5th Call timing
- Launch: 27th of September 2021;
- Deadline: 29th of November 2021, 17:00 CET;
- Evaluation: Each proposal will be evaluated by three members of an External Pool of Evaluators;
- Notification of Outcome: Applicants will be notified on the outcome of their proposal and provided with feedback from the External Pool of Evaluators in an Evaluation Consensus Report by mid-December 2021.
If your proposal is successful, you will be contacted within 5-10 business days of notification to take the steps necessary to prepare and sign the contract for the funding. Please note that a deadline of 10 business days from notification will be applied to confirm your intention to take up the contract to enable the funds to be re-allocated to other successful applicants.
- Who can receive financial support?
Potential applicants are standardisation specialists, defined as professionals with proven expertise and experience in standardisation activities e.g. previous contributions to standards developments, participation in various SDO groups working, previous or current chairs etc. in the respective priority area.
The StandICT.eu 2023 Calls are open to individuals or natural persons residing in the European Member States Associate Countries from both public and private sectors, industry and service companies including SMEs and start-ups, academia and research, and national and European associations, including NGOs representing consumers interests.
In particular, the target of StandICT.eu open calls are European specialists who:
- have profound knowledge in one of the priority areas covered by the Open Calls;
- have experience regarding developments of standards, e.g., in SDOs, , in groups set-up by the EC, or when creating documentation in open source developments;
- are not receiving support from other instruments (PPPs, EU or national R&I projects) for the proposed activities, and are not being funded from other sources for an identical activity.
- Type of Contributions
Three types of proposals can be funded under the StandICT.eu 2023 Open Calls, as shown below.
Proposal type
Maximum Contract duration
Funding range*
LT – Long term contribution (with travel option)
Contribution to ongoing standards development as a chair or member of an SDO WG. E.g. comments on standards development and drafts, attending meetings also as an observer, paying membership or registration fees.
6 months
€5,000 - €10,000
ST – Short-Term contributions (with travel option)
Contribution to standards documentation e.g. liaison to WG, comments on standards drafts, participation at meeting paying membership or registration fees.
3 months
€3,000 - €7,000
OS – One-Shot contributions
Support to ensure participation at workshop or event (e.g., participant, observer, presentation)
3 months
Up to €3,000
Please note that neither the maximum funding per submitted proposal can be higher than indicated in the respective funding range nor can the duration of a proposed activity exceed the duration exceed that indicated indicated for the selected proposal type.
Eligible Costs:
- Personal Working Effort (this cannot exceed the EU maximum daily rate of 450 Euro)
- Travel
- Event registration fee(s)
- Membership fee(s) for SDO & SSO organisations
- Evaluation Criteria
The proposals will also have to clearly demonstrate:
- Added value to existing SDO activities;
- Impact of work on European interests and the standard in question;
- Expertise of the applicant in the respective priority area;
- Expertise of the applicant in standardisation, e.g. previous contributions to standards developments, participation in other groups working on architectures, APIs, guidelines in the respective priority area
Each proposal will be evaluated based on the 4-criterion given below, with a scoring from 1 to 10 and the weighting indicated:
Criteria 1: Soundness of the proposal and foreseen impact on the Open Call topic (30%);
Criteria 2: Technical excellence & adherence to the Open Call topics (30%);
Criteria 3: Experience and qualifications of the applicant (20%);
Criteria 4: Economics of the proposal (20%).
The final scoring and ranking will be automatically determined by averaging the scores provided by the three independent members of the External Pool of Evaluators.
Apply here for the StandICT.eu 2023 funding. You will need to upload your CV and compile the online the application fields. Saved applications can be edited as long as the Call is open. To submit the final version, you will have to click on the submit button on your application page. Important note: You will need to be registered to apply.
Any questions regarding the StandICT.eu 2023 Open Calls? Contact us