We deal with issues relating to the ease of use and accessibility for all users. Our work is aimed at empowering industry to deliver successful new ICT products and services.
Our aim is to help industry to anticipate future problems as the marketplace becomes ever more diverse and fast-moving. One major goal is to identify emerging user interaction technologies, to look for factors that could cause problems for certain users in some situations, and to identify solutions. These considerations should greatly reduce the instances of the costly and reputation-damaging cycle of partial launch failure followed by expensive post-hoc fixes.
We are active in ensuring that European accessibility requirements related to public procurement of ICT products and services are approached in a way that is effective and embraced by industry. The European Standard EN 301 549, jointly published with CEN and CENELEC, was a major step in this direction. It is intended for use by public authorities and other public-sector bodies during procurement, to ensure that websites, software and digital devices are more accessible – to be used by persons with a wide range of abilities.
General information
- Status: Published
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- Working Groups :
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